The Northumbria University has existed as a college since 1892 and today it is the 6th biggest University in UK. Currently, Northumbria University has 38,000 students from 135 countries and 3,000 staff and located in the central part of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The University has branches at partner institutions in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Seoul.
The University compromises four academic Faculties including the Faculty of Engineering and Environment. Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering is one of six departments of the Faculty of E & E and has 80 members of academic staff.
Main research and teaching interests of the Faculty are Clean and Sustainable Energy, Environment Protection, Design, Manufacturing and Materials and Construction subject areas. The Faculty runs successful BEng and MEng courses in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, MSc in Renewable and Sustainable Energy, and MSc in Electrical Power Engineering. Research Projects in Energy field performed in the Faculty have been funded by EU (Horizon 2020, MSC, FP7, FP6 and FP5), UK Research Councils, UK Department Trade and Industry, Innovate and by national international industrial companies.
R & D in the field of Advanced Energy technologies with enhanced efficiency and reduced environment pollution is in the focus of research activities of the academic staff in the Faculty. With support from energy industry, teaching Mechanical, Automotive and Electrical Engineering students of all levels advanced and clean Energy technologies for power and heat production is a priority subject area. Students gain both fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills through uptaking several week internships with leading industrial companies in the field.
R & D together with teaching activities are carried out in collaboration with leading EU universities and also in cooperation with numerous Universities in Asia and America.
- To coordinate WP2 (Management) and WP3 (Quality Plan);
- To take part in the Project Network development;
- To take part in the modernisation and enhancing course structures at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels and of syllabus of the selected modules on Integration of Sustainable Renewable Energy Solutions into the Built Environment with the aim to re-focus on teaching students modern and future advanced technologies, taking into account the latest developments at the international level. Also UNN will play a significant role in the distance improvement of Skills Development of PhD students in Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies into Buildings.
- To assist partners in setting up teaching laboratories and deriving the Laboratory work notes;
- To take part in the teaching process;
- To participate in quality assurance of all teaching materials, methods and processes;
- To coordinate the promotion of project and dissemination of its results at national and international levels.